24 Hours To Improving The Look And Feel Of Your Skin

Male Skin Care

24 Hours To Better Skin

Skin is the barrier against the elements and reflects the health of an individual. Skin is the first line of defense for the rest of the body. Improving the look and feel of skin can be fun and simple. Good skin care does not need to take weeks. Good skin care can be started in less than 24 hours.

Wake up skin

Creating a good morning routine is essential for good skin care. Start by using a gentle face wash and save exfoliating for the evening. Exfoliating early in the day can leave the skin red and puffy. After washing the face with warm water, a splash of cold water will help close the pores and tighten the skin. Toners help balance the pH levels of skin and remove any dirt or makeup that might have been missed the before. Not everyone will need or use a toner. People with oily skin or acne-prone skin will find the most benefits from using toners.

Next comes the moisturizer and sunscreen. There are moisturizers for all skin types. Some moisturizers even come with a built in SPF. SPF is a crucial part of a skin care routine to protect from harmful UV rays. Sunburns are the skin’s worst enemy. Facial SPF will likely have a thinner consistency than all-body SPF. Both are equally as important. Men can also benefit from the face wash, toner, moisturizer routine. Skin is skin, whether on a man or woman, and should be taken care of.

Sweat but don’t forget

Ladies, wash off makeup and sweat after exercising. Sweat does more than cool the body. Sweat also carries out all the gunk, dirt, and bacteria that has settled into skin pores. After sweating, if the grime is not washed off, the dirt will settle back onto the skin and increase chances of breakouts and rashes. Wash, re-moisturize, and re-apply makeup. Also, carry a rosewater or rehydrating spray and spritz throughout the day. Re-hydrating the face throughout the day, or whenever skin feels tight and dry, will leave the skin looking more youthful. The same tip applies to men. Use a face wash and re-moisturize after going to the gym.

Relax into the night

A nighttime skin care routine is all about relaxation and pampering. Between commuting, the office, gym, and, frankly, just life, skin can take a beating throughout the day. Start by using a good makeup wipe to get off any makeup worn throughout the day. Follow up with an exfoliating face wash. Exfoliation increases blood flow and speeds up the skin’s regeneration process, giving the skin a healthy and glowing appearance. Next is face mask time. Like moisturizers, there are masks for everything and everyone. Masks come in sheet form, gel, or clay. All are beneficial. The general time a mask should be left on the skin is 10-20 minutes. Once the mask is done, rinse the face with warm water and follow up with a moisturizer. Nighttime moisturizers tend to be a bit thicker than daytime. For the body, following up any shower with an all body moisturizer. Pay close attention to the heels of the feet; these are often overlooked. For those with cracked hands and heels, there are special healing creams.

24 hours to new skin

Skin care can be done at home with a simple wash and moisturizer. Bonus if there is toner, exfoliating wash, and a face mask. Skin care should be easy, fun, and affordable. A few key steps repeated morning, afternoon, and night will have a profound affect on the look and feel of skin. For more tips on improving skin, consult a dermatologist.

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